Another month and another quick update with regards to our new pricing structures & product updates…
The eagle eyed amongst you will have noticed that over the past four weeks there have been numerous updates on the website, including new layouts, new prices and new trim options.
As part of our new pricing we are working our way through the Classic Mini product range and making various updates - we always listen to you guys and strive to make improvements wherever and whenever possible.
This has resulted in a few of our products being deleted from the product range (something that you will likely never notice, as it is options and specifications that you don’t want or buy anyway) and also a few new options have been added.
Most notable is the introduction of three new leatherette colours to the product range:
The updated vinyl leatherette (standard) colour chart can be viewed here: LINK
Plenty of updates are still to follow, including newly constructed one-piece door cappings, sun visor retrims and (something that we are very excited about) a new range of bespoke dashboard facia options (including carbon fibre vinyl's, burr wood vinyl's and printed vinyl's), which we are looking to introduce within the next few weeks.
As I say every month at the moment, watch this space… exciting times ahead.
We are interviewing next week to add a new member to the team…
After a few months of collecting application forms next week we are interviewing to fill the job vacancy here at Optimise.
This is a new position, that we have created simply to reduce our lead times - the new member of the team will be working on nothing other than our range of “popular products”, even (for the first time ever) allowing us to keep a stock of items.
This in return will free up more time for the rest of the team (we estimate that it will free up around 30 hours a week) and this should help to dramatically reduce our lead times across the product ranges.
The successful candidate will be starting in early September and… we can’t wait.
As above, exciting times ahead here at Optimise HQ.
Have a great month.
Andy @ Optimise Automtoive